Eritrea Hub: Eritrea: Abune Lukas explains why Patriarch Antonius was arrested – 31 October

  • Eritrea Hub publishes a report on a recent visit to Norway by Abune Lukas, Secretary General and de facto head of the Eritrean Orthodox Church, and questions he faced from the Eritrean diaspora regarding the status of Patriarch Antonius, who has been held under house arrest since 2007.
  • Lukas told an audience that Patriarch Antonius had “lost his faith” in the Virgin Mary – interpreted as an accusation of heresy – and backed a radical group called Teadso, in what was allegedly the first time these allegations against Patriarch Antonius were made public.
  • The author notes that the Eritrean Orthodox Church is split within the diaspora, between supporters of Patriarch Antonius and supporters of “regime-friendly clerics” like Abune Lukas. Lukas’ visit is seen as an attempt to strengthen and control regime-friendly churches in the diaspora, of which Norway is home to 40, and to prepare for the election of a new bishop.

Finance News Network: Danakali (ASX:DNK) Colluli Potash Project – 31 October

  • Finance News Network (FNN) interviews Danakali’s Head of Corporate Development & External Affairs, William Sandover, about the Colluli Potash Project in Eritrea.
  • Sandover tells FNN that the Colluli project is a “very strategic asset” with a 200-year mine life and a low cost, and that they are “looking forward to developing it”.
  • Sandover says that stock markets in the UK and Europe “understand African risk”, and that in its bid to secure investment a group of banks have “met with Eritrean Government officials”, visited the site, looked at technical reports, and are “getting through their due diligence”.
  • He praises the Eritrean Government Mining Company as a “strong partner” and says Danakali is looking forward to “making a real positive difference in Eritrea”.