Photo exhibition brings Eritrean history to life in London

In early September, Eritrea Focus launched ‘Eritrea in the News’, a photography exhibition at Resource for London, featuring more than 40 images that chart...

Statement from Eritrea Focus on Ethiopia and Eritrea rapprochement

Eritrea Focus welcomes the recent rapprochement between Ethiopia and Eritrea and congratulates Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali and President Isaias Afwerki on their courage...

Regional tensions ease in the Horn of Africa, but substantial reform...

On 7 September, Eritrea and Djibouti agreed to normalize relations following a decade of diplomatic stalemate. Workneh Gebeyehu, Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister, called the decision...

A Dozen Steps to Protect Yourself from PFDJ Thugs

On Saturday 24 November 2018, a group of PFDJ members held a seminar/workshop in Central London and apparently advised their supporters to carry out...