Wednesday 24 – Thursday 25 April 2019, Senate House, University of London

Day One

09:00-09:30 Registration and coffee

i. 09:30) Welcome by Professor Philip Murphy, Director of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies [5 mins]

ii. (09:35) Introduction [10 mins]

iii. (09:45) Keynote speech: Winning Independence and Governing a State: Missed Opportunities and Lessons Learned [30 mins]

iv. (10:15) Discussion and Q & A [30 mins]

(10:45) Coffee break [15 mins]

V. 11:00) Keynote speech: The rapprochement between Ethiopia and Eritrea, current status and looking ahead to the future [30 mins]

vi. (11:30) Discussion and Q & A [45 mins]

(12:15) Lunch break [45 mins]

vii. (13:00) Keynote speech: The Rule of Law and Administration of Justice [30 mins]

viii. (13:30) Break-out session: The Rule of Law and Administration of Justice [45 mins]

ix. (14:15) The Rule of Law and Administration of Justice: Break-out summing-up [30 mins]

(14:45) Coffee break [20 mins]

x. (15:05) The National Economy in an Integrating Region [35 mins]

xi. (15:40) Break-out session: The National Economy in an Integrating Region [45 mins]

xii. (16:25) The National Economy in an Integrating Region: Break-out summing-up [35 mins]

xiii. (17:00) Day 1 concluding remarks [30 mins]

xiv. (17:30) Dinner

Day Two

i. (09:30) Keynote speech: Eritreans working together: An assessment of strengths, weaknesses, and what can be done to bring Eritrea diaspora close together [25 mins]

ii. (09:55) Break-out session: Eritreans working together: An assessment of strengths, weaknesses, and what can be done to bring Eritrea diaspora close together [45 mins]

(10:40) Coffee break [20 mins]

iii. (11:00) Eritreans working together: An assessment of strengths, weaknesses, and what can be done to bring Eritrea diaspora close together: Break-out summing-up [30 mins]

iv. (11:30) Keynote speech: Youth and Women’s Empowerment [30 mins]

v. (12:00) Discussion and Q & A [45 mins]

(12:45) Lunch break [45 mins]

vi. (13:30) Keynote speech: The Media, Freedom of Expression and the Right to Information [30 mins]

vii. (14:00) Workshop: The Media, Freedom of Expression and the Right to Information [40 mins]

(14:40) Coffee break [20 mins]

viii. (15:00) Keynote Speech: State, Religion and Social Harmony [40 mins]

ix. (15:30) Panel discussion [30 mins]

x. (16:10) Conference concluding remarks and summing-up

xi. (20:00) Eritrean music and dance evening (Optional)


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