Eritrea in the news – Monitoring report: 6-7 September

The Washington Post: Eritrea, Djibouti agree to normalize diplomatic relations – 7 September The Washington Post reports on the new historical chapter being written...

Eritrea in the news – Monitoring report: 4 – 5 September

0 Eritrea in the News exhibition’s successful opening in London – 5th September Eritrea Hub published photos of the launch event for photography exhibition...

Eritrea in the news – Monitoring report: 1-3 September 2018

Bloomberg: Eritrea May Alter Army Draft That Forced Thousands to Europe – 3rd September Bloomberg reports on Eritrea’s claim that it will cut the...

Eritrea in the news – Monitoring report: 30-31 August

0 Eritreans free to return home voluntarily – Foreign Minister – 30 August Africanews reports on the words of the Eritrean Foreign Minister, Osman...

Eritrea in the news – Monitoring report: 25 – 29 August

Hamodia: High Court Chief Justice to Get Some New Neighbors – Illegal African Migrants – 29 August Israeli newspaper Hamodia paints a very negative...

Eritrea in the news – Monitoring report: 23 – 24 August

0 International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition 2016 – 23 August Europa Press published an article about the...

Eritrea in the news – Monitoring report: 20 – 22 August

The Economist: Abiymania : Praise of the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed – 16 August The Economist has published an article about the wave...

Eritrea in the news – Monitoring report: 15 – 20 August

The Times - EDITORIAL: Africa Felix: A peace deal between Ethiopia and Eritrea should prod others into ending conflict - 20 August In its...

Statement from Eritrea Focus on Ethiopia and Eritrea rapprochement

Eritrea Focus welcomes the recent rapprochement between Ethiopia and Eritrea and congratulates Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali and President Isaias Afwerki on their courage...

Mining & Repression in Eritrea (Download Report)

Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuses By Eritrea Focus to the ‘All Party Parliamentary Group on Eritrea’ June 2018  

2018 Photo Exhibition

Objective: To compile and curate a photo-documentary exhibition exploring Eritrean history; from the colonial rule period, the devastating war of liberation, through the euphoria of...

Campaign for justice and human rights in Eritrea

Eritrea Focus collaborates with a number of partner organisations in its campaign efforts to expose human rights abuses in Eritrea. Below is a campaign...

APPG on Eritrea holds AGM

On Monday 27 March the APPG on Eritrea held its AGM in Parliament and was briefed by Sheila B Keetharuth, United Nations Special Rapporteur...

New group gives key outlet in UK Parliament for debate and inquiry into human...

A cross-party group of Parliamentarians today formed the new APPG on Eritrea. Matthew Pennycook, MP for Greenwich and Woolwich, was elected Chair at an...

Meeting Notice from the APPG for Eritrea

Meeting Notice from the APPG for Eritrea The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Eritrea invites you to its fourth meeting on Wednesday 16 November at 6pm,...

Early Day Motion on UN Commission of Inquiry continues to attract support

Last month we reported that Patrick Grady MP had tabled an Early Day Motion supporting the UN Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in...

UK Parliament supports UN’s censure of Eritrean Regime

As many of you will be aware, the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in Eritrea published its report on 8 June....

Murder on the streets of Asmara

Earlier this week, on Sunday 3 April, the brutal Eritrean regime murdered tens of its own citizens. Forced conscripts who jumped from an army...

Last month, Lord Avebury, the former Eric Lubbock passed away. A long time supporter...

In 1979, The Eritrea Relief Association in the UK (ERA-UK) was introduced to Lord Avebury by Mary Dines, the former Secretary General of the...

Eritrea Focus is Think Tank & Research organisation

Eritrea Focus is Think Tank & Research organisation, exile and refugee groups and individuals concerned with the gross abuse of human rights in Eritrea....

Home Office’s moribund asylum guidance on Eritrea condemned

Eritrea Focus last year wrote about the latest Home Office statistics – which showed that Eritrean’s were the largest group claiming asylum in the UK...

Mining companies dig in despite mounting evidence of human rights abuses

On 29 October 2015, obviously very pleased with themselves, Nevsun Resources announced from Vancouver their seventh consecutive quarterly profit for July-September 2015. The figures...

British Government backs the UN Commission of Inquiry report

Following a question from Baroness Kinnock of Holyhead the Minister of State of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the Lords, Baroness Anelay of...

House of Lords public relations event for Eritrea cancelled after protests

Dear supporters and friends, We are pleased to inform everyone that the House of Lords' event scheduled for 18 June entitled ‘Eritrea building bridges...

The deadly dozen – comparing Eritrea and North Korea

How valid is the comparison between Eritrea and North Korea – sometimes described as among the most dictatorial regimes and closed societies in the...