
Eritrea Focus is holding this conference as part of its contribution to building democracy in Eritrea. The aim is to provide papers on key issues like justice, foreign policy and the economy, which would be useful to a government once the current dictatorship has ended. Our first conference – held in April 2019 – opened the discussion and identified what were seen as important issues to explore. The current conference will receive and debate papers from working groups on the subjects identified in conference one. This is primarily a working group conference, which will help to prepare a Draft Blueprint document for broader consultation and a third conference, which will be essentially participatory. Conference three, later this year, will produce the final Blueprint document.

Working Groups

Day 1 Monday 29th June 15.00-18.00 hrs London Time (GMT + 1)
The Rule of Law and Administration of Justice

Day 2 Tuesday 30th June 15.00-18.00 hrs London Time (GMT + 1)
Topic: The National Economy in an Integrating Region

Day 3 Wednesday 1st July 15.00 -18.00 hrs London Time (GMT + 1)
Foreign Policy Rapprochement between Eritrea and Ethiopia

Day 4 Thursday 2nd July 15.00-18.00 hrs London Time (GMT + 1)
Lessons from other countries’ transitions

Day 5 Friday 3rd July 15.00-18.00 hrs London Time (GMT + 1)
Engaging with international democracies

Day 6 Saturday 4th July 15.00-18.00 hrs London Time (GMT + 1)
Eritrean diaspora working together, including religious groups, youth and women

Daily Format

Start time 15.00
hrs (GMT+1)
15:00 – 15:05Welcome and guidance for participation from the host.
15:05 – 15:10An outline of the session by the Moderator.
15:10 – 15:15An Introduction by Expert Group Lead: membership, challenges, caveat etc
15:15 – 15.35Presentation/s by member/s of the Expert Group.
15.35 – 16:15Questions, discussion and exchange.
16:15 – 16.30Comfort break.
16.30 – 16.50Presentation/s by member/s of the Expert Group.
16.50 – 17.30Questions, discussion and exchange.
17.30 – 17.40Comfort break.
17.40 – 17.50Summarise issues outstanding, differences of opinion, challenges to be met by the group, facilitated by the Moderator.
17.50 – 18.00Conclusion and thanks.
( Please note: some working groups may vary in structure)